“Resolving the Unresolvable”


When two or more parties come to a mediation it is because some conflict has not been resolved. At the end of a mediation very often the conflict has been resolved.

So how does mediation work? A trained mediator, like Peggy Barnes, meets with the parties, promotes communication between the parties,  works to get all the concerns voiced and helps the parties work together to come up with a resolution satisfactory to all concerned.

Mediation is a voluntary confidential process. You can have a mediation whether or not you have a lawyer. In many cases it is highly recommended to have a lawyer to inform you of your legal rights and responsibilities.

The mediator is impartial and will not decide the outcome. The parties are the ones to decide. Many people prefer the idea of being involved in deciding the outcome rather than leaving it up to a judge or jury.

Mediation is becoming popular with people who would like to avoid the expense and further alienation of the parties that may result from a lengthy court battle. In mediation you remain causative over the outcome. You are part of the process of “Resolving the Unresolvable”








               “I’ll go anywhere anytime”

Peggy Barnes
Conquering Conflicts
Location: Southern California

Phone (818) 957-8167  (land line, no texts)



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